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Relax and rest easy knowing your home is in good hands!

Our team will keep a watchful eye on your property while you are away.

Upper Kittitas County Cabin Home Watch

Grounds and Exterior Only

If you have the interior closing process wrapped up tight, we are happy to check and maintain the exterior of your home and create a physical presence at your property while you are away.

We check the snow load on your roof and around your propane tank, check for signs of unexpected visitors or forced entry, verify home entrances are secure, and look for any irregularities or damage to the structure or property.  


To create a physical presence in the winter, we walk and/or drive snowmobiles around your property and clear piled snow from your entryway.  The rest of the year, we blow the leaves and pine needles from your decks, patio furniture, and vehicles and place packages and mail in a secure location.

Interior and Exterior

In addition to the exterior, we can perform an interior check to make sure everything in your home is operational and working as expected. 

We check your home systems, utilities and major appliances, look for leaks, water damage and pests, cycle water through all plumbing systems, and brush away standing water mineral build-up.

Home Check and Property Services for Vacation Home
Emergency Home Check for Second Home

On Call

Sometimes the unexpected happens... your travel plans are delayed, your home monitoring system goes offline, a large tree limb falls and you can't tell if there is damage.  If you need someone local to drive over and check things out, we are here to help.

To retain on call services, we still need a contract in place granting us permission to access your property and the keys or codes to get in if needed - so don't wait until the unexpected occurs to set things in motion.

When Issues Are Found

When issues are found, we will implement the protocol you have outlined.


We can schedule and manage the repair work so everything is handled in a timely manner - and hopefully before your next return visit!​ If you prefer to take care of things yourself, we can leave it for you to handle when you return.


We can involve you as much or as little as you prefer.  Your Home, Your Watch, Your Way.

Repairs to Second Home
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